
Thursday, October 25, 2012

Masks Behind Faces

 This is a late nite entry D-

I've found more old costume pictures and I had to show them to you!

What is the boy on the right holding in his left hand?

There's Something Weird Going On

This witch was doing the one leg way before Angie

This one is really spooky.

I love these gals.

I debated including this one...but it's just so odd... The swastikas, the one pant leg being shorter that the other. The second kid's costume...what is it? is he/she a potato witch??


Gangs all here

Here is a trailer for the only horror movie Ingmar Bergman ever directed...I think I'm going to watch it this week. On the 31st, if the "frankenstorm" doesn't kill us, I'm going up to a movie theater and seeing Nosferatu on the big screen. A live band is going to prove the music...should be killer.


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