
Friday, October 12, 2012

Ephemera And Religious Pamphlets

Happy Friday D!

           Living in the city can be pretty exhausting. The sheer number of peoples, lives, and faces... sometimes it can really make your head swim. There's this joke that the comedian Louis CK wrote about how when you think you've seen the same stranger over and over, it feels like God is running out of extras for the movie of your life. I feel that is a uniquely Urban problem. In a small town those repeated faces would be community members, but in Gotham they're just extras

           Then there are those people that break the convention of ignoring one another. A shared look of confusion or amazement on the subway over a set of break dancers or a virtuoso musical saw player. A few words of kindness or a helping hand to a mother with a stroller...all these moments remind us that it's not just a sea of people, it's a sea of lives. Ebbing and flowing around this city. It's no wonder that somedays this place seems less like a city and more like a coral reef.

          The most common way that people attempt to break through the "stranger barrier" is usually when they are campaigning for something. It can be political, religious, or even business related. Though usually I'm to busy to stop and have a long chat, I do have a certain affection for unusual or dramatic religious handouts and pamphlets. I've started to keep these little pieces of Ephemera above my desk at work, much to the confusion of my boss. This is one of my favorites.

Hope you have a rad weekend D!


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